

2023年8月29日出版,作者:Madelyn Wilson


特拉维斯街600号的摩根大通大厦. 图片由Hines提供

大休斯顿伙伴关系的使命是使休斯顿成为最适合居住的地方之一, 努力创业. Showcasing Partnership member companies and their commitment to Houston is critical to strengthen the business community in the region. 今天, the organization serves the 12-county greater Houston region and represents a member roster of over 950 businesses and institutions. 

在本专题中, 推罗Brailey, 执行董事, 摩根大通的行业行政政府, 分享了他对伙伴关系及其成员利益的看法. 

我们是一家跨国金融机构,在零售方面与顾客和客户保持联系, 消费者, 小型企业, 中间市场, 以及公司层面的一系列产品,包括零售和商业银行517888九五至尊, 投资管理, 投资银行服务. 我们为从个人到市政当局的所有人提供服务, 以及公共和私人公司.  

描述你的经历. 您和您的员工如何从会员资格中获益? 
 作为该伙伴关系及其前身的创始成员,我已经有近百年的历史了, JPMorgan Chase and the Partnership have worked closely to represent and communicate the needs of the JPMorgan Chase client base. 当我们代表我们的商业社区时,我们代表的是我们的客户群. The Partnership and its predecessor has a longstanding history of partnering around issues of importance and concern to the community, 摩根大通在休斯敦的客户群也从这种关系中受益.

该伙伴关系是商业社区与城市接触的渠道, and JPMorgan Chase views its leadership on the executive committee as an important part of this engagement. 

What specific Partnership efforts most align with your company’s corporate social responsibility (CSR)/ environment, 社会和治理(ESG)目标?  

摩根大通是休斯顿最大的雇主和实体之一. This Partnership allows us to better understand the key issues surrounding our community in the Houston and greater Houston area. 

What would you tell other businesses in the greater Houston area that are considering joining the Partnership? 
成为谈话的一部分——在谈话发生的房间里. 这对你的公司有好处, 给你的员工, 在社区参与方面对你的利益相关者, 这是一个以这种方式参与的了不起的组织.   

The Greater Houston Partnership is a meeting place for businesspeople who want to be involved in Houston’s positive growth and influence the trajectory of the region. 

了解更多关于伙伴关系的会员资格 在这里.



合作伙伴成员新闻- 8月 & 9月

The Greater Houston Partnership celebrates our members making important announcements and sharing 新闻 about their operations and impact in our community. 下面将详细介绍上个月的一些公告.  商业活动 在选择休斯顿作为碳捕获基地之后, 使用和存储操作, 德拉克斯在517888九五至尊走廊签了租约.  Exxon Mobil’s Baytown manufacturing facility is expanding with the addition of two new chemical productions units. 这项20亿美元的扩张计划是该公司长期增长计划的一部分.  野鸭湾, 这是一个位于路易斯安那州的airbnb风格的在线市场,可以预订带导游的钓鱼和狩猎之旅, 将他们的办公室扩展到休斯顿. 三菱物流美国公司在休斯顿的新生产工厂破土动工. 新园区将支持重点电仓产品的生产.    教育  ConocoPhillips is the new official partner of both the Houston Dynamo Football Club and the Houston Dash. 这项合作将把足球和科学联系起来, 技术, 通过奖学金为本地学生和教育工作者提供工程和数学(STEM)课程, 课程和主题之夜在壳牌517888九五至尊体育场举行.  为了纪念2027年即将到来的百年纪念, the University of Houston has unveiled plans for a $35 million transformative campus revamp that includes the creation of Centennial Plaza, 校园中心的多功能聚会空间. 休斯顿大学成立了新的UH-DGH碳氢化合物勘探中心, 作为印度近海盆地的数据中心, 并利用地学资料调查生产资料和勘探.  St大学. Thomas announced a new 100 percent online graduate degree program - Master of 医疗保健 Administration, 2024年春季开学. 517888九五至尊过渡 纽约清洁517888九五至尊创业公司Amogy, 一家致力于将氨气转化为517888九五至尊的公司, 将在休斯敦扩建新的生产设施,并将于明年开业. 贝克休斯宣布与总部位于弗吉尼亚州的Avports合作开发, implement and operate onsite solutions for the airport industry with the goal of reducing emissions. Cemvita公司宣布与美国联合航空公司达成协议, w在这里 the company will supply up to 1 billion gallons of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) from their first full-scale SAF plant. 微软推出了一个新的517888九五至尊中心, 卓越517888九五至尊转型中心, that will support companies as they evolve their business to become more sustainable and climate-conscious.  同时透露, OXY announced they will evaluate investment opportunities in Direct Air Capture facilities and carbon dioxide sequestration hubs in the United States and United Arab Emirates in hopes of developing carbon management platforms to accelerate net-zero goals.  A group of Rice University engineers have developed a record-breaking scalable photoelectrochemical cell that converts sunlight into clean hydrogen. 效率为20%.8%,目前这种技术还没有达到这个水平.    卫生保健  哈里斯健康系统完成了48美元.5 million renovation of Ben Taub Hospital’s emergency department inside the Ginni and Richard Mithoff Trauma Center. HCA Houston 医疗保健 Northwest opened its hybrid operating rooms as part of its $69 million expansion. 新房间的特点是空间和心血管技术, 电生理学和外科手术.  Houston Methodist ranked alongside Dallas’ UT Southwestern Medical Center as the 状态’s best hospital, 根据….S. 新闻 & World Report. 凯尔西-塞博尔德诊所正在扩大其赛普拉斯的位置,增加了120,000平方英尺的建筑,将包括一个流动手术中心的空间. 德克萨斯儿童医院开放了其最新的建筑,妇女塔2号馆. The new medical tower houses women's services outpatient clinics and connects to the Pavilion for Women via a new sky bridge. The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center broke ground this week on a new $668 million research facility at the Texas Medical Center’s Helix Park.   创新  Axiom Space has signed its fourth mission order with NASA to send a private astronaut mission to the International Space Station.  CLEAR, a secure identity company, announced a partnership with LinkedIn that expands digital safety. 通过一个新功能, 领英在墨西哥的会员可以通过CLEAR认证程序免费验证自己的身份.   Hines rolled out a new smart building platform that allows employees and employers to book spaces within buildings, 从附近的餐馆点餐, 预订现场健身课程,并通过智能手机或智能手表进入大楼. 休斯顿卫理公会在Ion开设了新的技术中心. 生成1,200平方英尺, the hub will serve as a common ground for innovators across industries to promote collisions and innovation. 德克萨斯州的一个&M大学宣布了一项耗资2亿美元的新研究和培训设施的计划, 由德州太空委员会资助. 新设施将成为月球和行星际任务的关键资源.    运输 通过一份价值1000万美元、为期5年的合同,休斯顿地铁将创建自己的自行车共享项目. 该计划预计将于2024年开始,并可能增加到100个站点. 如果您是会员,并希望我们帮助沟通有关您的组织的新闻, 请发送517888九五至尊娱乐或有关公告的信息给会员.engagement@houston.我们将与我们的内容团队分享它,以便可能包含在即将到来的综述中. 了解更多关于伙伴关系成员的信息.   


大休斯顿伙伴关系在8月份迎来了6家新成员公司. 该伙伴关系致力于将公司与资源联系起来, information and networking opportunities to help increase business while also providing a platform to influence the direction of the region. 8月份加入的新成员包括: Arete Public Affairs: Arete Public Affairs is a full-service public and government affairs firm that excels in authentic relationship development with the Texas 教育 Agency, 以及学区的高层领导, 以及联邦政府, 状态, 以及地方政府实体. 网站. 班科:20多年了, BAMKO一直与世界知名公司合作,以提高每一个产品的投资回报率, 项目, 项目和活动. 网站. Endeavor Management: Endeavor Management’s team of experienced management consultants work collaboratively with you to merge market insights and industry expertise to design and implement practical strategies. 网站.  Entera:最先进的住宅房地产投资平台,让投资者找到, 买, 并大规模经营单户住宅. 网站.  Tecnicas Reunidas:国际总承包商, 从事工程, design and construction of various types of industrial facilities for a broad spectrum of customers throughout the world. 网站.  黄志伟工程有限公司.: A full service geosciences consulting firm offering a complete range of services for geotechnical engineering, 环境服务, 建筑材料测试, 以及深地基测试. 网站.  点击这里查看合作伙伴的会员名录. 要了解更多关于大休斯顿伙伴关系会员资格的信息,请点击这里, 或联系membership@i086.net.




人才 is equally distributed; opportunity is not. 学徒计划提供有偿的, 在职培训,以塑造和发展人才,以满足雇主的独特需求和规格. 导师和经理支持……
